Self Hypnosis and Clinical Hypnotherapy CDs & MP3 Downloads
High quality, professional and powerful hypnotherapy sessions!
Diminishment of Hopelessness
Generally, hopelessness is a situation where chronic negativity has resulted from inappropriate assessment of the current situation and faulty anticipation of the future. Being without hope results in a fear/flight sympathetic activation, and in turn makes your client’s immune system fail to ward off illness and disease. This leads to more depression and feelings of hopelessness. This learned reaction can become an endless loop of unhappiness. This session is designed to help your client re-learn how they manage their emotions both in their mind and body.
This session will help your client:
Recognize that we all have available an alternative affective state.
Elicit a feeling of amusement to help soften reaction to a stressor or trigger.
Recognize a network of real or imagined people or entities who care for one’s personal safety.
Order Powerful CD VersionCD Price :$ 23.98
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Order Powerful MP3 VersionMP3 Price:$ 19.98
Delivery: Instant delivery of download upon ordering. All downloads are between 10 mb - 25 mb large.
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What makes our CD's unique?
Written and voiced by a PhD, who is a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy with many years of clinical experience with individuals and groups!
Concise to fit your time limitations, yet comprehensive enough to get effective results!
Uniquely combines hypnosis with energy therapy, NLP, and other modalities!
Customized music by an experienced film composer and energy healer!