Abundance & Attraction
Do you ever feel frustrated while watching others prosper? Both wealth and poverty start and end in the mind. Those who are consistently successful know how to use their mind to attract abundance. Do you?
Our Abundance & Attraction series is designed to get you back on the right path as you begin achieving the life of your dreams.
"I've been using both the Panic and the Anxiety MP3s pretty much regularly, but I have missed some days, however, most of the time, I repeat them three or more times, even several hours at a time on many days, so I've listened many dozens of times to each. They're working fine, so is the Attraction one! I love those ships, and their smiling captains! Now I wanna get your Modeling Excellence."> ~ Angelo from Kew Gardens
For those who are really serious about drastically changing their prosperity mindset, we have grouped our titles into a package.
Special Economy Stimulating Offer ORDER THE MP3 PACKAGE FOR ONLY $37.50 - THAT'S 4 TITLES FOR ONLY $37.50!
Have you ever asked yourself how to attract abundance to your life? This self hypnotherapy session gives you a wonderful opportunity to break through any barriers you may have in order to bring abundance into your life.
One of the important issues in anyone’s life is financial health and wellbeing. This session is designed to eliminate any barriers and obstacles that prevent you from having a joyful life.
Your dominant thoughts become your reality. In fact, your brain and body actually restructure to fit how you think. Your goals, dreams, and desires will never happen unless you learn how to develop the right “mental muscles” needed to achieve them. Star athletes know that by mentally rehearsing their next performance they actually develop the pathways in their brains needed to achieve amazing results.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Do you find it difficult to focus consistently on the good things in life? Consistent appreciation for the things in your life is a habit that can be acquired. This session is one of the most important sessions that we have produced because it will allow you to adopt a way of living that will have incredible positive results.
Related Keywords: hypnosis, self-help, law of attraction, abundance, bob proctor, think, tony robins, anthony robbins, Wendi Friesen, money, law of abundance, attraction