Advanced Self Hypnosis and Clinical Hypnotherapy CDs & MP3 Downloads
High quality, professional and powerful hypnotherapy sessions!
Do Away With Jealousy
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“Find Happiness In Yourself”
Do you constantly think up scenarios of betrayal by others? Are you suspicious of your lover’s platonic friends? Do you constantly feel inadequate, distrustful, and insecure? Do you accuse your partner of things without proof, merely because you suspect or fear the worst? Have you been hurt in the past and now superimpose those betrayals onto your current relationship?
“Release Jealousy To Discover Deeper Relationships Of Trust”
“If malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang. ~Charley Reese (syndicated columnist)
Jealousy destroys relationships, whether you are on the receiving end or the one who spends time cultivating suspicions. Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy is constantly looking for evidence to prove to you that your partner will prefer someone else given the chance, or that a co-worker will get the promotion you want. There is only one solution – increase your feeling of self worth. If you cannot love yourself, you will be suspicious of anyone claiming to love you.
In this session you will be taken on a journey of healing and peace. During a deeply relaxing hypnosis session, you will learn how to take back control of your imagination so that you use it for positive visualization, rather than negative suspicions. You’ll get in touch with your inner being and bring wonderful feelings of self-worth and gentle self love into your conscious mind. Through the power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming you’ll be given anchors to activate during waking hours to help deactivate triggers that may have caused you to experience jealousy. You’ll release previous hurts so that you can move forward with your life unhindered by negative associations.
What this means to you is that you’ll start to feel more secure in yourself. You’ll notice that you are genuinely pleased for others when good things happen to them. You’ll be able to clearly assess aspects of your relationship and distinguish the imaginary from things that need to be addressed. The real benefit to you is that as your self love grows, you’ll notice your ability to love and receive love increases.
This session will help you:
Develop confidence and trust in others in your life.
Realize how easy it is to choose your emotions.
Gain the respect for others as they sense your increased peace and security.
Drop the burden of jealousy! To get started, order this effective CD or MP3 TODAY!
Order Powerful CD VersionCD Price :$ 23.98
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Order Powerful MP3 VersionMP3 Price:$ 19.98
Delivery: Instant delivery of download upon ordering. All downloads are between 10 mb - 25 mb large.
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What makes our CD's unique?
Written and voiced by a PhD, who is a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy with many years of clinical experience with individuals and groups!
Concise to fit your time limitations, yet comprehensive enough to get effective results!
Uniquely combines hypnosis with energy therapy, NLP, and other modalities!
Customized music by an experienced film composer and energy healer!