Advanced Self Hypnosis and Clinical Hypnotherapy CDs & MP3 Downloads
High quality, professional and powerful hypnotherapy sessions!
Eliminate Guilt
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“Solving Life’s Problems Without Guilt”
Do you find yourself being dragged down by too much stress at the office, in your car, or at home? Do you suffer from tension headaches, backaches, listlessness and low energy? Do you find it difficult to concentrate, or are you drained physically and mentally?
Is your life crushed by feelings of responsibility for negative things that have befallen yourself or others? Are you susceptible to others making you believe they’ll suffer if you don’t respond to their requests? Do you feel guilt-ridden and self-judgmental all the time? Do you hide behind the mask of self denial because it is less guilt inducing to take care of others first?
“This Session Will Re-Program Negative Self-Scripts To Free You From Guilt!”
Guilt can make you become over responsible, over sensitive, and immobilize you if you don’t address what’s going on in your mind. This session can really help you deal with the powerful emotions of guilt because it addresses the inner mind motivations that have led you to live your life under the weight of guilt. What this means to you is that, as you start listening to these sessions, you’ll start to recognize how guilt is affecting your life, and you’ll start strengthening your ability to deactivate triggers and situations. You’ll be able to take mature responsibility for those things that you can solve and turn over to others things that are not your responsibility. You’ll be able live a life of emotional maturity, using guilt in a healthy way as a barometer for change and responsibility.
This session will help you:
Free you from the negative consequences of guilt.
Improve your relationships with those who care about you.
Learn from your past without being controlled by it.
Transform your feelings of crushing guilt into life-changing mature responsibility and problem solving. To get started, order this effective CD or MP3 TODAY!
Order Powerful CD VersionCD Price :$ 23.98
Delivery: This item is usually dispatched from the US within 24 hours (excluding weekends). Shipping costs apply.
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Order Powerful MP3 VersionMP3 Price:$ 19.98
Delivery: Instant delivery of download upon ordering. All downloads are between 10 mb - 25 mb large.
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What makes our CD's unique?
Written and voiced by a PhD, who is a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy with many years of clinical experience with individuals and groups!
Concise to fit your time limitations, yet comprehensive enough to get effective results!
Uniquely combines hypnosis with energy therapy, NLP, and other modalities!
Customized music by an experienced film composer and energy healer!