Advanced Self Hypnosis and Clinical Hypnotherapy CDs & MP3 Downloads
High quality, professional and powerful hypnotherapy sessions!
Enjoying Dogs without Fear
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“Easily And Happily Interact With Dogs!”
Are you anxious and fear-ridden when you walk through a neighborhood because you’re afraid a dog will attack? Are you afraid of all dogs, no matter how big or small, how friendly or not? In your past, have you had a negative experience with a dog? Do you avoid visiting friends that have dogs? Does just hearing a dog bark make your heart race with fear? Do you think all dogs want to harm you?
“Overcome Your Fear Dogs Quickly And Easily With This Session!”
Respect for dogs is a healthy attitude. But when it turns into an obsessive fear, it can really restrict your life. This powerful session will help you overcome your fear of dogs because it uses Neuro-Linguistic Programming and hypnosis to deactivate phobic responses, leaving an intuitive way to respond to dogs based on calm perception. What this means is that you’ll be more relaxed around dogs, and consequently they’ll be more relaxed around you. You’ll instinctively know how to safely handle dogs that are friendly and you’ll be able to calmly spot aggressive dogs. The real benefit to you is that you will regain choice about how you respond to dogs. You’ll be able to socialize in situations where there are dogs and you’ll have more freedom in your life.
This session will help you:
Allow dog-related anxiety to quickly leave your mind and body.
Value the companionship and comfort that being with dogs can bring.
Develop increased wisdom and confidence when in the presence of dogs.
Use this session to calm your fear of canines! To get started, order this effective CD or MP3 TODAY!
Order Powerful CD VersionCD Price :$ 23.98
Delivery: This item is usually dispatched from the US within 24 hours (excluding weekends). Shipping costs apply.
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Order Powerful MP3 VersionMP3 Price:$ 19.98
Delivery: Instant delivery of download upon ordering. All downloads are between 10 mb - 25 mb large.
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What makes our CD's unique?
Written and voiced by a PhD, who is a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy with many years of clinical experience with individuals and groups!
Concise to fit your time limitations, yet comprehensive enough to get effective results!
Uniquely combines hypnosis with energy therapy, NLP, and other modalities!
Customized music by an experienced film composer and energy healer!
We want you to be happy with our sessions. Click here for more information on our 90 day satisfaction guarantee!
Related Keywords: dogs and aggression, fear in dogs, dogs fear, fear of dogs, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, phobia, fears, confidence, anxiety, fear of dogs, fear of dogs hypnosis, anxiety medication, causes of anxiety, cure cynophobia, cynophobia
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