Advanced Self Hypnosis and Clinical Hypnotherapy CDs & MP3 Downloads
High quality, professional and powerful hypnotherapy sessions!
Manage Morning Sickness Enjoy your Pregnancy!
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“Adjust Easily to Your Changing Body!”
Do you dread every day as your stomach continues turning in to knots? Do you find that you are more sensitive to tastes and smells that never seemed to bother you before? Do you suddenly lose energy or feel faint? Do you dread morning sickness as part of your pregnancy?
“Use the Power of Your Mind to Naturally Treat Morning Sickness”
Morning sickess affects a majority of mothers-to-be. It is a natural reaction to the changes going on in your body. The sudden feelings of nausea, faintness, and constantly rushing to the bathroom may occur with little working. If this is happening to you, realize that this is just a small part of the amazing feeling of becoming a mother -- of sharing your body with another consciousness. Learning to accept and appreciate this as part of the wonders of the experience of creating another life will help ease the symptoms. This session helps soothe this experience as you begin to experience less anxiety and discomfort by gently handling the reality of morning sickness. You will benefit by being able to manage the discomfort and focus on beginning to build a bond between you and your baby.
This session will help you:
Reduce the anxiety and anticipation that comes with morning sickness.
Learn to dissociate from the experience as you watch it come and go without unnecessary resistance.
Recover smoothly and quickly knowing that this is a natural experience, which is part of the blessing of childbirth.
Allow the discomfort associated with morning sickness become just a small part of the joy of becoming a mother. To get started, order this effective CD or MP3 TODAY!
Order Powerful CD VersionCD Price :$ 23.98
Delivery: This item is usually dispatched from the US within 24 hours (excluding weekends). Shipping costs apply.
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Order Powerful MP3 VersionMP3 Price:$ 19.98
Delivery: Instant delivery of download upon ordering. All downloads are between 10 mb - 25 mb large.
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What makes our CD's unique?
Written and voiced by a PhD, who is a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy with many years of clinical experience with individuals and groups!
Concise to fit your time limitations, yet comprehensive enough to get effective results!
Uniquely combines hypnosis with energy therapy, NLP, and other modalities!
Customized music by an experienced film composer and energy healer!
We want you to be happy with our sessions. Click here for more information on our 90 day satisfaction guarantee!
Related Keywords: pregnancy, pregnant, morning sick, morning sickness, sickness morning, sickness in the morning, first trimester pregnancy,Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, health and wellbeing, mind body healing, natural childbirth, morning sickness, post natal depression, vomiting, tiredness, morning sickness remedies, morning sickness symptoms, sickness, signs of pregnancy, nausea